Installation and setting up
F i n a l c h e c k s
Before applying power to the Magnum smoke machine, verify the following:
the machine is safely located or installed and meets the location
requirements stated on page 10
the operator is familiar with, and able to comply with, the requirements
for safe operation listed on page 3
the smoke fluid is one of the genuine Martin fluids listed under “Smoke
fluid options” on page 14
the machine is electrically grounded (earthed)
the AC power distribution circuits and lines are adequately rated for the
current load
T u r n i n g o n t h e p o w e r
Turn on the main power switch located next to the power cable inlet. The red
Heat indicator on the remote will illuminate.
Turn on the main power switch located next to the power cable inlet.
The red Heat indicator on the remote and on top of the machine will
illuminate for about 7-10 minutes as the machine heats up to
operating temperature. When the green Ready indicator comes on,
the machine is ready to make fog.
To obtain maximum output, wait another few minutes for the red Heat
indicator to go off, as fog output is reduced while the unit is heating
O p e r a t i n g w i t h r e m o t e
The unit is controlled using the remote control. Press the button to generate fog.
Fog button
Magnum 850
Fog button
Magnum 650