Copyright © 2019 Martin Audio Ltd.
Once this is complete you can further refine how the array is to be deployed in the ‘Rig’ tab; choosing for example between a 2-point hang
and a single point for which the application will display the best position on the flying frame to give the nearest angle to the optimised
aim. The actual physical angle that the specified hole in the frame will give will be displayed, with the option to use this angle in the
optimisation so that the array EQ is optimised for the actual physical position in which the array is installed.
Finally, the load on each flying point is shown and critically the ‘Rig’ tab shows if the array is safe and meets both BGVC1 and DIN18800
With the physical deployment underway you can progress to optimise the EQ. Again, you can enter the environmental conditions and can
balance the three goals of response in your audience region, leakage to non-audience and the Hard Avoid performance. By default, each
are given equal importance but if your application demands particular emphasis on any one of these parameters, they can be given greater
importance. Resolution is entered as 1, 2 or 3 box for WPS.