5.4.8 Reconnecting to a subnet
If connection to a subnet is lost (e.g. due to accidental disconnection of network cable), a Reconnect dialog
window appears (Figure 9).
Click on Reconnect to reestablish connection. If you inadvertently click Cancel, you may reopen the dialog
window by right-clicking on the subnet in Tree View and clicking on Reconnect.
Figure 9
6 Reference
6.1 Introduction
The MA Netcontrol interface is highly intuitive, allowing most users to learn the basic functions of the
program without studying the detailed information to follow. However, you should become familiar with the
location and general content of this information, as it may prove useful when specific issues arise or when
anomalous conditions occur.
Offline and Online states
MA Netcontrol functions in two basic states: Offline and Online. In the online state, the application is actively
connected to a physical network (one or more subnets) via Ethernet. In the Offline state, the application is
not connected to the network.
6.2.1 Selecting Online and Offline states
You may select Offline or Online states using the dedicated buttons on the toolbar. Alternatively, you may
select the desired state in the Network menu, or by using function keys F7 (Go Offline) or F8 (Go Online).
6.2.2 Functions allowed in Offline and Online states
Different functions are available in the Offline and Online states, depending on whether the application is in
Edit or Operate mode. Allowed functions are given in tabular form in Section 6.3.3.
Operate and Edit modes
6.3.1 Overview
MA Netcontrol functions in two basic modes: Operate and Edit.
The Operate mode allows functional control of amplifiers on the physical network: power on/off, mute and
solo functions can be executed in real time. Operate mode is available only in the Online state.
The Edit mode is available in either the Offline or Online states. Edit mode allows all functions related
to configuring subnets; naming (or renaming) devices, channels or groups, and saving configuration files.
Operational functions (power on/off, mute, solo) are allowed in the Offline state but apply to the configured
“virtual network” only. Operational functions are not allowed in Edit mode in the Online state.