If you are certain that subnets have been connected, this could indicate a problem with the Windows
Firewall, a physical connection, or the network configuration.
Check Windows Firewall
If this fault appears the first time you attempt to upload subnets, and your PC has Windows XP with SP2,
your connection probably has been blocked by the Windows Firewall.
When you first click on “Upload configuration from network”, a Windows pop-up asks whether you want to
continue blocking or allow network communication by MA Netcontrol. Click on “unblock.” In some cases this
pop-up window may be hidden behind the main window; however, you will see a “Windows Security Alert”
below in the system tray. Minimize the main window or click on the Windows Security Alert in the system tray
to unblock.
You can check to see if Windows Firewall is blocking MA Netcontrol by accessing the Windows Security
Center in the Control Panel (Figure 8). Set the Fire-wall to ON (recommended) and click on Windows
Firewall in Manage Security Settings. Click on the “Exceptions” tab and confirm that the MA Netcontrol
Network Application is selected as an exception.
Figure 8
Check Connections and Configurations
Check your cable connections and your TCP/IP settings at both the PC and MA-NET1.