Instruction of Parameter Settings
1) Parameter 00 refers to power to auto restart
0: Invalid, 1: Valid
2) Parameter 01 refers to Supply air electrical heater function
0: Not available 1:Available
When connecting with supply air electrical heater, user should choose 1 to activate the electrical heater,
and under the SA temperature setting interface, the SA temperature can be set by pressing up and
down button� The setting temperature range is 10-25°C�
3) Parameter 02-03 refers to automatic bypass function
The bypass is opened on the condition that the outdoor temperature is equal or higher than X
(parameter 02)and less than X+Y (parameter 03). Bypass is closed on other conditions.
4) Parameter 04-06 refers to automatic defrost function
When EA side of heat exchanger temperature lower than –1°C(defrosting entering temperature, parameter
05) and last for 1 minute, and the interval of defrosting is longer than 30 minutes (parameter 04),
the exhaust fan will run at high speed automatically for defrosting, and supply fan will stop, until EA
side temperature higher than defrosting entering tempe15°C for 1 minute, or the defrosting
time is longer than 10 minutes (parameter 06).
5) Parameter 07 refers to CO2 concentration control function (optional)
After connecting the optional CO2 sensor, the CO2 symbol will display on the screen� If CO2 concentrati-
on is higher than setting value, then ERV runs at high speeds automatically, after CO2 concentration is lower
than setting value, then ERV returns back to the previous status (standby, speed 1, 2, 3 etc.), if the ERV
is already in high speed when CO2 concentration higher than setting value, then ERV keeps the high speed
6) Parameter 08 refers to the central control function to identify the address of ERV.
7) Parameter 21 to match the suitable program on PCB to the ERV model, refer to below table.
8) Parameter 23 refers to the fan speed display, for the ERV with DC motor, user should change value to
2 for 10 speed control�
9) Parameter 24 refers to clear filter alarm and weekly timer setting.
10) Parameter 25 refers to set the filter alarm timer.