4.Exessive use of flex-duct and long flex-duct runs should be avoided.
5.Fire dampers must be fitted as per national and local fire regulations.
6.Unit must not be exposed to ambient temperature above 40°C and should not face an open fire.
7�Take action to avoid dew and frost� As shown by drawing below, unit will produce dew or frost when
saturation curve is formed from A to C� Use pre-heater to ensure conditions are kept to right of the
curve (B to B’,to move C to C) to prevent condensation or frost formation.
8� To avoid the outdoor exhaust air cycling back to indoor, the distance between the two vents installed on
the outside wall should be over 1000mm�
9�If heater is equipped to the unit, operation of heater should be synchronous with the unit, so that the
heater starts to work only when unit starts�
10.Duct muffler may be considered if user wants indoor noise to be minimized.