Designed in Italy Assembled in China
MAIN RMS Compressor and Peak Limiter Pages
As previously described, this page can only be entered providing the LIMCMP password when pressed the
LOCK button from the Input Page.
From the “Main Compressor Limiter” Page can be set a RMS Compressor and a Peak Limiter.
The RMS Compressor, is intended ton operate a compression on the Output Signal when the Signal Energy is
lasting for too long time, due to the characteristic of the Input Signal (as a pure sinusoid in example), risking
to compromise the Class D amplifier's performances.
This RMS compressor has a HOLD TIME parameters that is allowing to set a time during the while the
Compressor is blinded to the extra levels of the Signal.
When the level of the signal is lasting too long over the specified threshold, exceeding the set Hold Time, the
compressor start acting reducing the Output Signal level with a speed defined by the Attack Time.
When the Input signal goes again below the threshold, the Compressor will release the Output Signal level at a
speed defined by the Release time.
Due to the presence also on the Out and High paths of RMS compressors already reducing the Output Signal
Levels, the Main RMS Compressor with Hold Time, would have to be set with a Threshold lower than the ones
set for the RMS Compressors on the Low and High paths, so to represent a threshold where to bring the
Output signal when lasting too much time at an excessive level ...even after the RMS compressors on the Low
and high paths.
The Peak Limiter, it is operating on the Input Gain and is working on the base of any detected Overow
occurring during the Signal Processing operated by the DSP.
There where a potential Clip or overow comes from the internal DSP processes and not from the external
Input Level, the Peak Limiter, instructed by an algorithm for the processes overow detection, will quickly go to
reduce the input level so to resolve the occurring overow reducing the amount of signal passed to the DSP
PDA500P User Manual