Designed in Italy Assembled in China
Once the all 7 available cursor are shown on the Frequency Response graphic, just selecting anyone of them
with the mouse's arrow and maintaining the mouse's click pressed, it is possible to move and place the
selected cursor on the desired frequency and with the desired gain.
For setting the filter's Q, still need to enter the desired value directly in the dedicated box in the filters'
editing frame.
Note: in the Eq graphic can be shown in the same time the filtering set up of the currently edited High Out
page, just pressing the HIGH button.
To the High Output filter setting, in the graphic can be superposed also the set up of the other Signal path
pages as the Input Filter setting, just pressing the INPUT+HIGH button, or even the VIEW LOW in order to
visualize on the graphic the overall filter setting of the all Signal paths.
RMS Compressor:
from this frame it is possible to set the Threshold and Ratio parameters of the Low Output
Channels RMS Compressor.
The available parameters are the following...
“Threshold”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Threshold is from +12dBu (OFF) to -18dBu in
steps of 0.1dBu
“Ratio”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Ratio is from 1:1 (Off) up to 100:1 (Lim) in steps of 1
“Knee”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Knee type is from 000% (Hard) up to 100% (Soft) and
can be adjusted by rotating the “PM3” encoder.
“Release”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Release Time is from 0.04sec to 1sec in steps of
0.01sec from 40ms up to 200ms, then 100ms from 200ms up to 1sec.
“Attack”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Attack Time is from 5ms to 100ms in steps of 1ms -
from 5ms to 20ms then 10ms from 20ms to 100ms.
Note: The RMS Compressor Threshold is defined in dBu, due to the fact that with both, Sinusoid and Squared
wave testing signals, the PDA500P compressed output dBu (RMS) Level is the same and matching the
selected one.
Checking the VIEW GRAPH box in the RMS Compressor frame, the RMS Compressor's setting can be
graphically visualized in a graphic windows showing the Compressed Output in relation to the input signal to
the compressor.
The Compressor activity can be also temporarily bypassed checking the BYPASS box also within the RMS
Compressor frame.
The RMS Compressor on the Low Path and the one on the High Path, can be linked together, checking the LINK
box, so to have both Signals of the Low and High path compressed by the same and lowest compression
coefficient coming from the computations done on the Both Signals analysis made on the base of the
respective settings.
PDA500P User Manual