Designed in Italy Assembled in China
Within the
RMS Compressor Low Pass Filter
frame, can be set a 6dB/Oct (butterworth) or 12dB/Oct
(Linkwitz) X-Ovoer point at a frequency ranging from 5kHz up to 10kHz, allowing to split the high Output signal
Band in 2 Sub Bands.
The Lowest one will be subject to the Compression coefficient computed on the base of the RMS compressor
setting and the upper band portion will instead left “free” and not subject to any compression.
The level of the upper portion of the band can be controlled separately by the Hi-level cursor, ranging between
-18db and +18dB.
This option, which can be skipped stting the SLOPE paramenter within the frame to “No cut-off”, has been
intended for leaving brilliance on the high frequencies even when operated on the high path signal a heavy
compression, there where the very hi end frequencies are not brining enough ebenrgy to damage the
loudspeaker's parts.
with this control it is possible to set the Low Output Level from -18dB to +18dB.
This cobntrol is acting on the signal coming from the RMS Compressor's output and entering the Amplifier's
Can be used also as Make Up control for the Compressor's Output.
PDA500P User Manual