MAQUET Medical Systems USA
VASOVIEW 7 | Training Manual | English | v1
Copyright MAQUET Gmbh
Occasionally the operator may encounter problems while per-
forming the endoscopic vessel harvesting procedure. Most
situations can be managed easily with a quick check of the
equipment. If problems arise, stop the procedure and check
these items.
no Tunnel/no cO
tank is full and opened.
tubing is connected to the BTT and the insufflator.
Flow and pressure settings on insufflator (3 – 5 L/min and
10 – 12 mmHg).
leaking around incision.
Ensure BTT has been inserted correctly into the tunnel.
no cauterization
Generator is set on bipolar.
Generator is plugged in.
Correct bipolar foot pedal is being used.
Bipolar pedal is connected to the appropriate generator
Correct wattage is set in the generator based on the brand-
specific recommendation (refer to the VASOVIEW 7 xB
Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System Instructions for Use).
Bipoloar Cord is connected to the BiSECTOR tool.
Bipolar cord is functioning properly.
Endoscope “Sliming”
When advancing instruments, ensure that they are main-
tained in a central position in the tunnel.
Ensure that tissue is not on C-Ring before withdrawing into
the Harvesting Cannula.
Attempt to clean endoscope lens on tunnel wall.
Remove scope and clean it externally.
Use scope washer within the Harvesting Cannula to clean
the lens.
Endoscope fogging
Use anti-fog solution on the end of the endoscope (only
with the Harvesting Cannula; do not use anti-fog solution on
the lens prior to placement of the Dissection Tip).
Withdraw distal tip of the endoscope to the BTT, keeping
the instrument in the tunnel. Hold in place for about 10
seconds. This allows cold CO
to infuse directly over the tip
and clears the fogging (similar to using air conditioning in a
car to clear a fogged windshield).
picture of the Tunnel is Too dark
Light cable is connected to the endoscope and the light
Re-white balance endoscope.
Increase the gain on the camera.
Increase light intensity.
Change light cable.
Blood absorbs light; if blood in tunnel, try rolling it out
through the incision.
Position operative lights over the external working area of
the leg to transilluminate the tunnel.
Try replacing endoscope and check fiber optics of endo-
scope after the procedure is completed.
blood in the Tunnel
Remove the BTT. Using a lap sponge, gently roll along
tunnel toward the incision, expressing blood through the
Remove the BTT. Insert a Yankauer suction into the incision
and suction pooled blood from the tunnel.
Remove the BTT. Irrigate the tunnel with non-heparinized
normal saline. Roll the tunnel externally to remove irrigation
and re-insert the BTT and continue with insufflation.
Summary of Contents for VASOVIEW 7
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