MAQUET Medical Systems USA
VASOVIEW 7 | Training Manual | English | v1
Copyright MAQUET Gmbh
paTiEnT pOSiTiOning and prEparaTiOn
preoperative Evaluation
When harvesting the radial artery, typically the non-dominant
arm is used. Confirm adequate collateral circulation through
the use of the pulse-assisted Allen’s test, Doppler evaluation,
pulse oximetry, or a combination of these tests as per
standard hospital protocol. (Figure 32)
Surgical preparation
Place the arm on surgical board, positioning it to no more
than a 90-degree angle. For procedures using a tourniquet,
select an appropriate size tourniquet and place the
unpressurized tourniquet high on the upper arm before prep.
Shave and prep the arm, using standard hospital protocol.
(Figure 33)
product assembly
For additional product assembly information, see the Product
Assembly section of the Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting of the
saphenous vein portion of this manual. (page 9)
Attach the 7 mm Extended Length Endoscope to the
camera coupler. Attach the light cable to the post on the
endoscope. Focus the endoscope on a gauze pad and white
balance the video camera. Ensure proper orientation of the
camera head. It is important to maintain correct orientation
throughout the procedure.
Thread the Dissection Tip onto the distal end of the endo-
scope until the proximal edge of the Dissection Tip lines up
with the indicator etched on the endoscope shaft.
Place the Dissection Tip on a gauze pad. Focus the video
camera, ensuring that the image outside the Dissection Tip
is clearly visualized.
Insert the endoscope with attached Dissection Tip through
the BTT. Ensure that the Endoscope Seal is on the BTT. (The
BTT is packaged with the Endoscope Seal attached.) (Figure
EndOScOpic VESSEl HarVESTing prOcEdurE
radial arTEry
Figure 32
Figure 33
Figure 34
Summary of Contents for VASOVIEW 7
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