MAQUET Medical Systems USA
VASOVIEW 7 | Training Manual | English | v1
Copyright MAQUET Gmbh
HEMOSTaSiS and cOnduiT prEparaTiOn
The following information describes how to achieve hemo-
stasis and close the incision.
procedure – non-tourniquet Method
Once the radial artery has been transected and ligated at
the wrist, place the BTT port back into the incision. Place
the Harvesting Cannula through the BTT port to inspect the
tunnel for hemostasis. If necessary, spot cautery can be
performed for any additional hemostasis.
procedure – using a Tourniquet
Deflate the tourniquet and note the tourniquet time. Check
pulse oximetry on the digits to ensure adequate perfusion to
the hand.
The radial artery is prepared in the usual fashion per hospital
protocol and operator preference.
clOSing and drESSingS
Close incisions using hospital protocol. Apply dressings and
wrap the arm according to standard protocol or operator
preference. (Figures 42-45).
Technique Tips
Using a lap sponge, gently roll along the skin over the
operative area, expressing any residual blood out through
the incision prior to closing. (figure 42)
Irrigate the operative tunnel, if desired. Roll out irrigation
using the above technique.
Figure 45
Figure 42
Figure 43
Figure 44
Summary of Contents for VASOVIEW 7
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