The metering mode refers to the way in which the camera
determines the exposure. Various metering modes are provided to
allow the user to select the most appropriate one for use in a variety of
lighting conditions.
You can set the camera’s sensitivity in low-light environments,
and creates a balance between brightness and resulting image noise.
The camera automatically uses the best ISO level for the lighting
conditions, higher ISO values have brighter photo in low light and
more visible noise, lower ISO values have darker photo in low light and
reduced image noise.
Color allows you to adjust the color profile of your photos.
Contrast is the scale of difference between black and white
in your photo. The settings from "Low to High". High contrast photos
will have bright highlights and dark shadows, bold colours. Low
contrast photos will have a narrow range of tones.
Add a date stamp to your photo
GPS Stamp:
Add GPS stamp to your video. The options are All Info,
Speed, Coordinates. The GPS information include speed, speed
tracking, coordinates, route, distance, elevation gain and time.
When this setting is turned on, it will take .jpg image for
immediate viewing and a RAW photo. RAW format is only available for
the single photo capture mode.
Sharpness controls the sharpness of your photos. You can
use High option for an ultra-sharp look, the Medium option for
moderate sharpness, or the Low option for a softer look.
WB (White Balance):
White balance adjusts the overall color tone of
photos. The camera can automatically adjust the white balance or you
can manually adjust the white balance.
WB Custom:
Custom White Balance is for even more accuracy in color
balancing. It is a quick, easy, and accurate way to help correcting for
scene's color temperature and neutralize the whites, grays, and blacks.
Exposure value (EV) affects the level of brightness of your
photo. Adjusting this setting can improve image quality when
shooting in environments with contrasting lighting conditions.
Image Size:
Set the capture image size, 12MP (default), 8MP.
Sets the photo mode: single, continuous or sequence.
Single: Enables you to take a single photo using automatic exposure.
Adjusting the Interval value will allow for interval photo capture. To
stop, press shutter when OSD text is visible.
Continuous: Captures a series of photos continuously while the
shutter button is pressed.
Burst: Captures a sequence of 3 or 10 photos in one second.
Shutter speed adjusts the amount of time that the shutter is
open. The higher the X value in 1/X the faster and less light captured.
Interval determines the amount of time that passes between
each single photo. Our website mentions the fastest capture times
(based on V90 SD cards), which includes both the interval time and the
time it takes to save the image to the memory. Leaving the interval set
to the 0.5 seconds will provide the fastest interval capture times.
Self -Timer:
Set the timer to delay taking a photo.
This option zooms in on the center of the shot, cropping the