5) Menu (L) is accessible from menu (F)
by selecting the item “Maxenergy”. In
this case, for the application of
"Mantis Magnetic Cream", only the
use of the Maxenergy handpiece with
PMFs is required. From this menu, the
treatment duration can be modified by
using the buttons "+" and "-" on the
touch screen.
Begin the treatment by
selecting START on the
touch screen and then
START on the
c o r r e s p o n d i n g
6) Menu (M) is accessible from menu
(F) by selecting the item “Endox”. In
this menu you can choose the
appropriate settings according to the
various needs and whether or not to
include the PMF technology (colour
grey for inactive PMFs and colour
green for active PMFs).
Begin the treatment by
selecting START on the
touch screen and then
START on the
c o r r e s p o n d i n g
7) Menu (N) is accessible from menu (F)
by selecting the item “Vixo”. The Vixo
treatment, for body and décolleté,
consists of two phases (step 1 and
step 2). The first phase employs the
PMF technology with suction, while
the second one only uses the PMF
technology for the application of
"Mantis Magnetic Cream". From the
Vixo menu, the treatment duration can
be adjusted by using "+" and "-". To
customise the different settings, go to
“professional mode” accessible from
the “Step 1” menu.
Begin the treatment by
selecting STEP 1 and
START on the touch
screen. Then press
START on the Vixo