Published 10-21-2011, Control # 055-03
p r o v i d e s t h a t a r e s p e c i f i c f o r e a c h c r a n e a n d t h e
manufacturer’s manuals for the operational aids shall be
followed. If an operational aid should fail to work properly, the
crane user or owner must assure that repair or recalibration
is accomplished as soon as is reasonably possible. If
immediate repair or recalibration of an operational aid is not
possible and there are exceptional circumstances which
jus tify cont inu ed s hort -term u se of t he crane wh en
operational aids are inoperative or malfunctioning, the
following requirements shall apply for continued use or
shutdown of the crane:
Steps shall be taken to schedule repairs and
recalibration immediately. The operational aids shall be
put back into service as soon as replacement parts, if
required, are available and the repairs and recalibration
can be carried out. Every reasonable effort must be
made to expedite repairs and recalibration.
When a
Load Indicator
Rated Capacity Indicator
, or
Rated Capacity Limiter
is inoperative or malfunctioning,
the designated person responsible for supervising the
lifting operations shall establish procedures for
determining load weights and shall ascertain that the
weight of the load does not exceed the crane ratings at
the radius where the load is to be handled.
When a
Boom Angle
Radius Indicator
is inoperative
or malfunctioning, the radius or boom angle shall be
determined by measurement.
When an
Anti-Block Device
Two-Blocking Damage
Two-Block Warning Device
is inoperative
or malfunctioning, the designated person responsible for
supervising the lifting operations shall establish
procedures, such as assigning an additional signal
person to furnish equivalent protection. This does not
apply when lifting personnel in load-line supported
personnel platforms. Personnel shall not be lifted when
anti-two-block devices are not functioning properly.
When a
Boom Length Indicator
is inoperative or
malfunctioning, the designated person responsible for
supervising the lifting operations shall establish the
boom lengths at which the lift will be made by actual
measurements or marking on the boom.
When a
Level Indicator
is inoperative or malfunctioning,
other means shall be used to level the crane.
Load Moment Indication (LMI) Systems (If
Your crane may be equipped with an LMI system which is
intended to aid the operator. Test daily for proper operation.
Never interfere with the proper functioning of operational
aids or warning devices.
no condition
should it be relied upon to replace the
use of
Load Charts
and operating instructions. Sole reliance
upon these electronic aids in place of good operating
practices can cause an accident.
Know the weight of all loads and always check the capacity
of the crane as shown on the
Load Chart
before making any
NEVER exceed the rated capacity shown on the
Load Chart
Always check the
Load Chart
to ensure the load to be lifted
at the desired radius is within the rated capacity of the crane.
For detailed information concerning the operation and
maintenance of the load moment indicating system installed
on the crane, see the manufacturer’s manual supplied with
the crane.
Anti-Two-Blocking Device
This crane should have a functional Anti-Two-Block and
Control Lock-Out System. Test daily for proper operation.
Two-blocking occurs when the load block (hook block,
headache ball, rigging, etc.) comes into physical contact with
the boom (boom nose, sheaves, boom extension, etc.). Two-
blocking can cause hoist lines (wire rope), rigging, reeving,
and other components to become highly stressed and
overloaded in which case the wire rope may fail allowing the
load, block, etc. to free fall.
Two-blocking is more likely to occur when both the main and
auxiliary hoist lines are reeved over the main boom nose and
b o o m e x t e n s i o n n o s e r e s p e c t i v e l y. A n o p e r a t o r,
concentrating on the specific line being used, may telescope
or lower the boom allowing the other hoist line attachment to
contact the boom or boom extension nose, thus causing
damage to the sheaves, or causing the wire rope to fail,
dropping the lifting device to the ground and possibly injuring
personnel working below.
Caution must be used when lowering the boom, extending
the boom or hoisting up. Let out load line(s) simultaneously
to prevent two-blocking the boom tip(s) and the hook block,
etc. The closer the load is carried to the boom nose the more
important it becomes to simultaneously let out wire rope as
the boom is lowered. Keep load handling devices a minimum
of 42 in (107 cm) below the boom nose at all times.
Two-blocking can be prevented. Operator awareness of the
hazards of two-blocking is the most important factor in
preventing this condition. An Anti-Two-Block System is
intended to assist the operator in preventing dangerous two-
block conditions. It is not a replacement for operator
awareness and competence.
Never interfere with the proper functioning of operational
aids or warning devices.
Reference Only