Surface zeta potential cell
Chapter 3
Zetasizer Nano accessories guide
Page 3-7
The sample barrel position should be adjusted so that the sample surface and the
centres of the two zeroing targets all line-up exactly.
With the sample height set, the cell cap also needs to be zeroed.
Loosen the cap screw, then rotate the cell cap until the white mark on the cap is in
line with the white mark on the cell body. Secure the screw afterwards.
ill 8692
Filling the cuvette and inserting the cell into the instrument
The surface zeta potential cell can use either disposable plastic and glass or quartz
square cuvettes to hold the sample. With this insertion of the cell, the dispersant
will be displaced upwards within the cuvette.
Prepare an appropriate aqueous suspension, containing the tracer particles.
Sufficient suspension should be added to the cell so that the sample, electrodes
and screw are all completely submerged; This is approximately 1.2 ml.
Fill the cuvette the prepared aqueous suspension. When filling, tilt the cuvette
and allow it to fill slowly.
To stop bubbles forming, let the sample flow down the inside.
With cell filled, the cell can be inserted; this must be done at an angle to avoid any
bubbles being caught between the sample electrodes, and to ensure that the sample
plate is entirely submerged. The level of the dispersant must be significantly above
the top of the electrodes and the nylon screw that holds the sample in place. The
procedure follows below.
With the procedure complete, the measurement face of the cuvette (some
have a small triangle at the top of the cell) and the white mark on the cell
body must face in the same direction. This is to ensure the orientation is
correct when inserted into the cell holder.