4.4.3. Disabling the washing program.
In the event of such a necessity, the current washing program can be disabled at any
time. This is done by pressing the off button.
When this button is pressed, the washing program is completely interrupted and
deactivated and the controller goes into the ready status. Restarting the program will
cause its execution from the beginning.
4.4.4. Manual activation of the vacuum pump or the stirrer.
If this function is activated (UPP parameter – see section 4.3.1. Table of settings for the
washing segment), the user has the option of manually activating the vacuum pump
or the stirrer operation (relay no. 4). Default settings or made by the installer determine
which output (vacuum pump – PP or stirrer – PPR) will be switched on manually.
Manual switching is only possible when the washing program is not being carried out;
while the program is running, the manual start button is inactive.
The stirrer can also be switched on at any time by pressing the manual work of the stirrer
in the cooling segment, even if the cooling is switched off. In this case, the relay no. 4
does not need to be assigned to the stirrer.