Installing the ater lter
Optional accessory for cloth filter model
Never pick up water or wet dust
ithout the oat and the cloth lter or the ater
For picking up wet dust, make
sure that the oat cage and the oat are installed
on the cleaner.
When installing the ater lter on
the tank, set it tight at the opening of the tank so
that the hook of the ater lter engages the tank
opening rmly and there is no space bet een the
ater lter and the tank.
To pick up water or wet dust only, the water filter is more
suitable than the cloth filter.
When installing the water filter, align its mounting posi
tion mark w ith th e one on th e tank.
Water filter
T ank
Mounting position
It is recommended using water filter when
pic king up large amount of w ater repeated ly .
O th erw ise v ac uum ability may be red uc ed in c ase of
cloth filter.
Installing the paper pack
Optional accessory
hen using the paper pack, also
use the cloth lter or pre lter together that is
preinstalled on the cleaner.
F ailure to use th e c loth
filter / prefilter together may cause unusual noise and
heat, resulting in a fire.
(For the cloth filter model)
Never pick up water or other liquids or wet
dusts when using the paper pack.
P ic king
up suc h th ings may c ause th e paper pac k
Before using the paper pack, make sure that
po der lter optional accessory), damper
optional accessory) and pre lter are al ays
used together.
(For the powder filter model)
Before using the paper pack, make sure
that po der lter, damper and pre lter are
always used together.
R emov e th e rubber h old er.
R ubber h old er
Ex tend th e paper pac k.
A lign th e paper pac k opening w ith th e d ust suc tion
opening of th e c leaner.
I nsert th e c ard board of th e paper pac k onto th e
h old er so th at it is positioned at th e end bey ond th e
d etent protrusion.
P aper pac k
H old er
Installing the polyethylene bag
C leaner c an also be used w ith out poly eth y lene bag.
H ow ev er, using poly eth y lene bag is easier to empty th e
tank w ith out letting y our h and s d irty .
S pread th e poly eth y lene bag in th e tank. I nsert it betw een
th e h old er plate and th e tank, and pull it to th e h ose inlet.
H old er plate
P oly eth y lene bag
S pread th e bag around th e top of th e tank so th at th e c loth
filter / prefilter edge can catch and hold the bag securely.
Cloth filter / prefilter
A poly eth y lene bag av ailable on th e
market c an be used . 0.04 mm or th ic ker one is
rec ommend ed .
T oo muc h d ust w ill tear th e bag easily , so
d o not c ollec t th e d ust more th an th e h alf of th e bag
c apac ity .
Emptying the polyethylene bag
Always make sure that the
cleaner is switched off and the battery cartridge is
removed before emptying the polyethylene bag.
F ailure to d o so may c ause an elec tric sh oc k and
serious personal injury.
Do not apply a great impact on the
oat cage and tank.
A pply ing a great impac t may
c ause d ef ormation and d amage to th e parts.
Empty the tank at least once a day
although this depends on picked-up dust volume
in the tank.
O r, th e suc tion f orc e w ill w eaken and th e
motor may be broken.
Do not grab the hook when empty-
ing the tank.
G rabbing th e h ook may c ause th e h ook
to break.
U nh ook and lif t up th e tank c ov er.
Shake off the dust from the cloth filter / prefilter and then
take th e poly eth y lene bag out of th e tank.
T ake th e poly eth y lene bag c aref ully out of th e
tank so th at th e poly eth y lene bag c annot be c augh t
and torn by th e protrusion insid e th e tank w h en emp-
ty ing it.
Empty th e poly eth y lene bag bef ore it
bec omes f ull. T oo muc h d ust in th e tank may c ause
th e poly eth y lene bag to be torn.
Installing the tool box
R elease th e loc k of th e battery c ov er, and open
th e battery c ov er.
S et th e rails on th e tool box along th e groov es on
th e h ousing.
C lose th e battery c ov er and apply th e loc k.
T h e tool box is c onv enient f or c arry ing batteries, pipe,
or c uf f s.
Summary of Contents for DVC152L
Page 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Page 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Page 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Page 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
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