Always be sure that the tool is
switched off and the battery cartridge is removed
before adjusting or checking function on the tool.
Installing or removing battery
Always switch off the tool before
installing or removing of the battery cartridge.
Hold the cleaner and the battery
cartridge rmly hen installing or removing bat
tery cartridge.
F ailure to h old th e c leaner and th e
battery cartridge firmly may cause them to slip off
y our h and s and result in d amage to th e c leaner and
battery cartridge and a personal injury.
Be careful not to pinch your n
gers when opening or closing the battery cover.
Failure to do so may cause personal injury.
To install the battery cartridge, release the lock first, and
th en open th e battery c ov er. A f ter th at, insert th e battery
c artrid ge.
L oc k
Battery c ov er
A lign th e tongue on th e battery c artrid ge w ith th e groov e
in th e h ousing and slip it into plac e. I nsert it all th e w ay
until it loc ks in plac e w ith a little c lic k. T h en loc k th e
battery c ov er.
Battery c artrid ge
T o remov e th e battery c artrid ge, slid e it f rom th e tool
w h ile slid ing th e button in f ront of th e c artrid ge.
Always install the battery cartridge
fully until the red indicator cannot be seen.
I f not,
it may ac c id entally f all out of th e c leaner, c ausing
injury to you or someone around you.
Do not install the battery cartridge
I f th e c artrid ge d oes not slid e in easily , it is
not being inserted c orrec tly .
T h e c leaner d oes not w ork w ith only one
battery c artrid ge.
Indicating the remaining battery
Only for battery cartridges with the indicator
I nd ic ator lamps
C h ec k button
P ress th e c h ec k button on th e battery c artrid ge to ind i-
c ate th e remaining battery c apac ity . T h e ind ic ator lamps
ligh t up f or a f ew sec ond s.
Indicator lamps
75 % to 1 00%
5 0% to 75 %
25 % to 5 0%
0% to 25 %
C h arge th e
battery .
T h e battery
may h av e
malf unc tioned .
D epend ing on th e c ond itions of use and th e
ambient temperature, th e ind ic ation may d if f er sligh tly
f rom th e ac tual c apac ity .
Indicating the remaining battery
Battery ind ic ator
C h ec k button
P ress th e c h ec k button to ind ic ate th e remaining battery
c apac ities. T h e battery ind ic ators c orrespond to eac h
battery .
Battery indicator status
5 0% to 1 00%
20% to 5 0%
0% to 20%
C h arge th e
D uring th e c leaner turned on w ith th e stand -by
sw itc h set to " A U T O " , th e battery ind ic ator d oes not
w ork.
Tool / battery protection system
T h e tool is eq uipped w ith a tool/ battery protec tion sy s-
tem. T h is sy stem automatic ally c uts of f pow er to th e
motor to ex tend tool and battery lif e. T h e tool w ill auto-
matic ally stop d uring operation if th e tool or battery is
plac ed und er one of th e f ollow ing c ond itions:
Summary of Contents for DVC152L
Page 2: ...2 3 4 5 1 Fig 1 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 2 1 Fig 3 1 Fig 4 1 2 Fig 5 1 2 Fig 6 Fig 7 2 ...
Page 3: ...2 1 3 Fig 8 1 2 3 4 Fig 9 Fig 10 2 1 Fig 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Fig 12 3 1 2 Fig 13 1 Fig 14 3 ...
Page 4: ...1 2 Fig 15 2 1 Fig 16 1 Fig 17 Fig 18 Fig 19 Fig 20 Fig 21 Fig 22 4 ...
Page 5: ...1 Fig 23 2 1 2 1 Fig 24 Fig 25 1 Fig 26 2 1 Fig 27 1 Fig 28 5 ...
Page 6: ...2 1 2 1 Fig 29 3 2 1 Fig 30 2 1 Fig 31 Fig 32 Fig 33 Fig 34 1 Fig 35 6 ...
Page 7: ...Fig 36 7 ...
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