When the vehicle with the driven axle is on the roller set, exit only with running
roller drive. Exiting with roller drive at standstill can destroy the motors due to
extreme roller acceleration.
The system shall not be operated without functioning slip monitoring. This can
cause tire damage.
Never jump start a vehicle with the system. This can lead to equipment dam-
No 4 wheel-drive vehicles shall be tested on the standard roller set. Damage to
vehicle and system are possible. When in doubt contact your responsible ser-
vice representative.
The vehicle must be closed during testing. If persons outside of the vehicle are
endangered, use noise protection.
The operator shall not leave the vehicle during testing.
No vehicle shall be parked in/on the roller set or on the optional ramps.
Pos: 22 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/G/Überschrift 1.1: G efahrenzone @ 19\mod_ 1266938122676_ 75.docx @ 782826 @ 2 @ 1
Danger Zone
Pos: 23 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/- Archiv -/- Bremsprüftechnik A lle -/Inhalte/S icherheit/Inhalt: G efahrenzone - 5m Abstand ( Tex t) BPS_ 12p t @ 26\m od_1326700917541_ 75.docx @ 1505537 @ @ 1
During brake tester operation no persons are allowed in the danger zone:
5 (five) meters around the roller set in all directions.
Pos: 24 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/- Archiv -/- Bremsprüftechnik A lle -/Inhalte/S icherheit/Inhalt: G efahrenzone - 5m Abstand ( Bild) BPS @ 19\mod_ 1266938260034_ 0.d ocx @ 784017 @ @ 1
Pos: 25 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/S/Überschrift 1.1: S icherheitsvorschr iften für Servicearbeiten @ 6\mod_ 1174482270640_75.d ocx @ 76850 @ 2 @ 1
Safety Instructions for Servicing
Pos: 26 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/- Archiv -/- Bremsprüftechnik A lle -/Inhalte/S icherheit/Inhalt: S icherheitsv orschriften für Servicearbeiten BPS_ 12pt @ 26\mod_1326700977270_ 75.docx @ 1505581 @ @ 1
Service work shall only be done by MAHA service technicians or authorized
service partners.
Work on electric parts of the system shall only be done by trained electricians.
The main switch must be switched off and secured against restart before doing
repair, maintenance and set-up work.
Fire danger due to rubber abrasion on the roller set. Clean regularly. Remove
abrasion before maintenance work.