These units constitute
your microscope
* These parts are fixed and should not be removed from the microscope frame.
Observation tube
( A 4 5 d e g r e e t u b e ,
trinocular tube or binocular
tube is provided, depending
on the composition of your
Mechanical stage*
This lens is used to mag-
nify a specimen image. The
higher the magnification
number of an objective, the
greater the detail seen in
specimen parts.
Microscope frame
C o - a x i a l l o w d r i v e
mechanical stage (125mm
x145mm) (+/- 5mm) with
traverse area of 50mm x
75mm (+/- 5mm) is provided
M i c r o s c o p e f r a m e
e r g o n o m i c & c o m p a c t
d e s i g n f o r u s e r
Eyepiece lenses
Observe specimens by
looking through the eye-
p i e c e l e n s e s w h i c h
magnify the image formed
by an objective.
Revolving nosepiece*
Objectives are mounted on
this part. Rotating this part
easily changes magnifica-
The specimen is placed
This incorporates lenses
which collect illumination
light on the stage so that
the objectives can perform
at full capability.