2009 Magnum Energy Inc
Page 26
2.5 Inverter Warning Label
A warning label is provided to inform all personnel that an inverter is installed in your electrical
system. Af
x this label in a clearly visible location at the electrical panel that is being powered by
the inverter. This is because it might be falsely assumed that the panel is no longer “hot” after
the AC power has been shut off, when power may actually still be available due to the inverter
automatically powering the panel.
Figure 2-14, Warning Label
2.5.1 Inverter Power Identifi cation and Disconnect Location Requirements
When an inverter is installed in a building, facility or structure, the NEC (National Electrical Code)
requires a label or plaque to be provided. This label/plaque is required to be easily visible and
provide information that informs personnel on the location of all electrical system disconnects. This
is to ensure all power to a building is quickly located and shutdown in an emergency. There are
also speci
c requirements for this label/plaque depending on the inverter application, they are:
(A) Facilities with Standalone Systems. Any building, facility, or structure with a photovoltaic power
system that is not connected to a utility service source and is a standalone system must have
a permanent plaque or directory installed on the exterior of the building or structure at a read-
ily visible location acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The plaque or directory
must provide the location of system disconnecting means and information regarding whether the
structure contains a standalone electrical power system.
(B) Facilities with Utility Services and PV Systems. Buildings, facilities, or structures with both
utility service and a photovoltaic system must have a permanent plaque or directory providing the
location of the service disconnecting means and the photovoltaic system disconnecting means if
they are not located at the same location.
T h is ele c tric al s y s te m is e qu ipp e d w ith a n A u to m atic
G e n era to r S ta rting (A G S ) d e v ic e a n d/o r a n in v e rte r.
D is c o nn e c t a ll A C a n d D C p ow er to th e A G S a n d /o r
in v e rte r b e fo re p erfo rm in g a n y s e rv ic e to the e lectric a l
s y ste m . F ailu re to d o s o c an re su lt in s h oc k cau s ing
serio us i n jury or de ath .
P N : 62-0002 R ev A
This electrical system is equipped with an Automatic
Generator Starting (AGS) device and/or an inverter.
Disconnect all AC and DC power to the AGS and/or
inverter before performing any service to the electrical
system. Failure to do so can result in shock causing
serious injury or death.