© 2010 Magnum Energy, Inc.
6. Turn on or connect a load to the outlets and verify it comes on.
Continue to keep the load connected and turned on.
7. Press the remote ON/OFF switch to turn the inverter off. If the
remote is not used, press and release the inverter’s ON/OFF power
switch to turn the inverter off. The inverter’s status indicator and the
connected load should go off.
8. Apply AC power to the inverter’s AC input. After the AC input power
is quali
ed (approximately 15 seconds), the incoming AC power will
transfer through the inverter to the inverter’s AC output and power
the connected load. Verify the inverter’s status indicator and the
connected load comes on.
9. Even though the connected load is on, the inverter is currently
disabled/off. Press the remote’s ON/OFF switch (or press and re-
lease the ON/OFF power switch on the inverter) to enable/turn on
the inverter.
10. Disconnect the incoming AC power to the inverter. Verify the con-
nected load remains on, but now is powered by the inverter.
If the inverter passes all the steps, the inverter is ready for use.
If the inverter fails any of the steps, refer to the Troubleshooting
2.0 Installation