© 2010 Magnum Energy, Inc.
2.5 ME-AGS-S Terminal Block Wiring
The controller should now be mounted. For the following steps; refer to Figure 2-
7 for reference when wiring the generator to the controllers terminal block:
1. Unplug the green 8-port friction-fi t terminal block from the controller by
pulling it straight out. Ensure the openings are unscrewed enough to allow
the wires to be inserted.
CAUTION: DO NOT plug in the 8-port terminal block. After all
the wiring to the controller is complete and all the settings have been
confi gured, a Power-Up Test will be performed [Section 4 (Operation)].
DO NOT plug in the 8-port terminal block until then.
CAUTION: A fuse rated at 5 amps or less must be used to protect
all power circuits (except for ground connections) connected to the
AGS controller. Ensure the fuse is correctly rated for the wire size
used. Refer to national and local codes for rating and type. Normally,
a minimum #16 AWG wire is required to use a 5 amp fuse.
Info: The green 8-port terminal block accepts CU/AL conductors from
#30 to #12 AWG (0.05 to 3.3 mm
2.5.1 Power Connections (Terminals 3 and 4)
2. Connect a wire (black) from the monitored battery bank’s negative terminal
to the #4 terminal on the 8-port terminal block.
3. Connect a wire (red) with a 5-amp, in-line fuse from the monitored battery
bank’s positive terminal to the #3 terminal on the 8-port terminal block.
2.5.2 Generator Run Sense Connection (Terminal 2)
Terminal #2 on the 8-port terminal block is used as a generator run sense
(i.e., switched B+ or a positive battery signal from the hour meter or gen
running light). This run sense voltage is used to determine that the genera-
tor is running and to prevent another starter crank while the generator is
already running.
Info: The run sense signal from the generator to terminals #2
(positive) and #4 (negative) must be 10 to 40 VDC only while the
generator is running.
Info: The run sense signal from the generator to terminal #2 is not
required when using the 2-Wire Standby Mode (GEN TYPE Setting).
However, this setting will only attempt to start the generator one time,
since it cannot determine if the generator is actually running. All other
GEN TYPE settings will attempt to start the generator four times.
4. Connect a wire (preferably not black or red) from the generator’s run sense
output to terminal #2 on the 8-port terminal block.
5. Connect the negative terminal of the monitored battery bank to terminal #4
(power negative) on the 8-port terminal block. Ensure the negative terminal
on the generator battery is referenced/connected to the negative terminal
on the monitored battery.
Info: The negative side of the run sense signal from the generator
must be in common with the negative side of the monitored battery
bank. This ensures that the positive battery voltage (to terminal #3)
and the positive run sense voltage (to terminal #2) have a common
negative reference (to terminal #4) and are correctly measured by
the ME-AGS-S.
2.0 Installation