BE57-646 ECLIPSE Guided Wave Radar Transmitter - F
2.1.1 Universal fieldbus Block Parameters
The following are general descriptions of the parameters
common to all function blocks. Additional information for
a given parameter may be described later in a section that
describes the specific block.
: a read only parameter that gives the revision level
of the static data associated with the block. This parameter
will be incremented each time a static parameter attribute
value is written and is a vehicle for tracking changes in static
parameter attributes.
: a user assigned parameter that describes the
intended application of any given block.
a user assigned parameter that identifies
groupings of blocks associated with a given network connec-
tion or control scheme.
: a user assigned parameter which may be used
in sorting alarms or events generated by a block.
: a structured parameter composed of the
actual mode, the target mode, the permitted mode(s), and
the normal mode of operation of a block.
• Target: The mode to “go to”
• Actual: The mode the “block is currently in”
• Permitted: Allowed modes that target may take on
• Normal: Most common mode for target
1) It may be required to change the MODE_BLK target parameter to
OOS (out of service) to change configuration parameters in that
specific function block. (When in OOS, the normal algorithm is no
longer executed and any outstanding alarms are cleared.)
2) All blocks must be in an operating mode for the device to oper-
ate. This requires the Resource Block and the Transducer Block
to be in “AUTO” before the specific function block can be placed
in a mode other than OOS (out of service).
a parameter that reflects the error status of
hardware or software components associated with, and
directly affecting, the correct operation of a block.
NOTE: A BLOCK_ERR of “Simulation Active” in the Resource Block
does not mean simulation is active—it merely indicates that the
simulation (hardware) enabling jumper is present and soft sim-
ulation disable is set to NO. (See page 13 and refer to Section
2.4.5 for additional information).