BE57-646 ECLIPSE Guided Wave Radar Transmitter - F
NOTE: There are many reasons that AI block Out values can deviate
from the measurement value originating in the Transducer
block, and because the keypad and local display will only pro-
vide access to Transducer block parameters, there is no way to
change (or view) the other fieldbus configuration items affecting
the AI block output using the keypad and LCD.
In other words, these screens should only be considered as
measured value indicators for configured transmitters. For
• The screens are not used for commissioning or diagnos-
tic/troubleshooting purposes.
• Prior to full fieldbus configuration (transmitter assigned a
permanent address, AI block(s) configured and scheduled
for execution, etc.), the value displayed will not reflect the
transducer measurement. AI Out Display Screens
The Analog Input Block Out values can be conditionally
displayed as part of the “rotating” home menu screens. A
representative example is shown at left.
The screens will be formatted as shown with:
• Physical Device Tag (Selectable)
• Measured Value Status (Bad, Good, Uncertain)
• Bar Graph
For example, “AI1_Level” would be the most commonly
used AI Out screen.
“AI2---” would be displayed when the channel value is 0
[uninitialized] for AI block 2.
Because the Model 706 transmitter has eight (8) Analog
Input blocks, any or all of which may be used in particular
applications, a Transducer block parameter controls which
AI block Out values will be displayed on the LCD.
Any or all (or none) of the AI block Out values can be
selected for display on the LCD.
NOTE: In the photo at left, status is shown as “Bad out of Service”.
This message would be shown prior to commissioning.
LCd Screen