50-613 Kotron
Series 82 CE RF Level Transmitter
2. Loop current randomly unstable.
a. Disturbances in medium
— Correct instability of medium
b. Power supply unstable
— Repair or replace power supply
c. Electrical interference (RFI)
— Consult factory.
3. Loop current exceeds 20 mA.
a. Incorrect calibration
— Recalibrate unit
b. Material level above 100%
— No corrective action needed on transmitter
c. Extreme material buildup on probe
— Possible misapplication; consult factory.
d. Shorted or resistive probe
— Replace probe.
e. Supply voltage out of limits at transmitter terminals
— Allowable voltage between 14 and 40 VDC.
Refer to chart on page 18.
f. Excessive temperatures at transmitter electronics
— Use remote electronics
g. Excessive loop resistance. Refer to chart on page 18.
— Reduce loop resistance;
— Increase supply voltage; consult factory.
4. Loop current less than 4 mA.
a. Incorrect calibration
— Recalibrate unit
b. Material level below 0%
— No corrective action needed on
c. Shorted or resistive probe
— Replace probe.
d. Supply voltage out of limits at transmitter terminals
— Adjust power supply; or
— Reduce loop resistance
e. Excessive temperatures at transmitter electronics
— Use remote electronics
f. Excessive loop resistance.
— Reduce loop resistance