Pedestrian Pivot Barrier
MPP-112 / MPP-122 / MPP-132 / MPP-212 / MPP-222
Electrical connection
5817,0016EN / Version 00
8.4.1 Digital inputs
All inputs galvanically isolated by optocouplers
Input voltage: 24 V DC ± 10%
Input current: 10 mA per input
Impulse length for inputs: 100 ms to 300 ms
The inputs can be operated either with 24 V DC or with 0 V DC
(high active or low active).
ASB signal for servo-
controller (hard-coded)
(Emergency input)
The input "IN1" is used to clear the servo controller. The
logic is inverted (broken wire detection), i.e. the controller
is powered only if a permanent signal is present. When
the signal disappears, the motor dies immediately and the
lock is released. For "drop arm" mechanism pedestrian
pivot barriers, the top turnstile arm (drop arm) is released.
Opening pulse
passage left
Opening pulse for left hand passage.
In the event of the signal is activated more than 5
seconds, a permanent contact is set.
Opening pulse
passage right
Opening pulse for right hand passage.
In the event of the signal is activated more than 5
seconds, a permanent contact is set.
IN4 Emergency
Clearance of access in both directions in emergency
The logic is inverted (broken wire detection), i.e. the
controller is powered only if a permanent signal is present.
If the signal is lost, the holder magnet for the "drop arm" is
released at once. The motor starts up briefly so that the
"drop arm" can be released. Then the motor powers down
and the lock is opened.
Monitoring left /
anti-climb panel
Connection of a monitoring facility for recognition of
attempted climbing.
Monitoring right /
anti-crawl panel
Connection of a monitoring facility for recognition of
attempted crawling.
Locking of the
pedestrian pivot barrier
Input for locking the two access directions. No opening
signals are accepted anymore. The input IN1 (emergency
input) remains superordinate. I.e. even if the pedestrian
pivot barrier is locked, complete opening of the pedestrian
pivot barrier is possible.
End Stop of drop arm
For internal use.
Recognition power failure
(of main power)
For internal use.
Table 4: Digital inputs