MAGNAWELD monoTIG 160ip User Manual Download Page 10



monoTIG 160ip


Safety Precautions

•  Choose the welding / cutting method and welding machine for the welding work you are to


•  Select the welding / cutting current and/or voltage to match the material and thickness you are 

  going to weld.

•  If you have to wait for a long time before you start your welding / cutting work, turn off the machine 

  after the fan has cooled it down. Our machines with smart fan control will turn off on their own.

•  This device is not domestic waste. It must be directed to recycling within the framework of the 

  European Union directive and national laws.

•  Obtain information from your dealer and authorized persons about the waste management of 

  your used machines.

Waste Procedure

The electrical current passing through any conductor generates zonal electric and magnetic fields 


All operators must follow the following procedures to minimize the risk of exposure to EMF;

•  In the name of reducing the magnetic field, the welding / cutting cables must be assembled and 

  secured as far as possible with the joining materials (tape, cable ties etc.).

•  The operator’s body and head should be kept as far away from the welding / cutting machine 

  and cables as possible,

•  Welding / cutting and electric cables should not be wrapped around the body of the machine in 

  any way,

•  The body of the machine should not get caught between the welding / cutting cables. The source 

  cables must be kept away from the body of the machine, both being placed side by side,

•  The return cable must be connected to the workpiece as close as possible to the work area,

•  The welding / cutting machine should not rest against the power unit, ensconce on it and not 

  work too close to it,

•  Welding / cutting work should not be performed when carrying the wire supply unit or power 


EMF may also disrupt the operation of medical implants (materials placed inside the body), such 

as pacemakers. Protective measures should be taken for people who carry medical implants. For 

example, access limitation may be imposed for passers-by, or individual risk assessments may be 

conducted for welders. Risk assessment should be conducted and recommendations should be 

made by a medical professional for users who carry medical implants.

•  Do not expose the machine to rain, prevent the machine from splashing water or 

  pressurized steam.


Energy Efficiency

Summary of Contents for monoTIG 160ip

Page 1: ...monoTIG 160ip 90 444 93 53 magmaweld com info magmaweld com 90 538 927 12 62 USER MANUAL...

Page 2: ...kine Sanayi ve Ticaret A Magma Mekatronik may modify the information and the images without any prior notice T m haklar sakl d r Magma Mekatronik Makine Sanayi ve Ticaret A nin yaz l izni olmaks z n b...


Page 4: ...ery Control Installation and Operation Recommendations Connections for TIG Welding Mains Connection Gas Connections Preparing the Torch Connections Torch Connections Grounding Pliers Connections Tungs...

Page 5: ...ries may occur Make certain that the installation procedures comply with national electrical standards and other relevant regulations and ensure that the machine is installed by authorized persons Wea...

Page 6: ...above precautions If the gas tanks are grouped in a separate zone ensure that they are well ventilated keep the main valves closed when gas cylinders are not in use pay attention to possible gas leak...

Page 7: will perform in such places Do not weld in tanks and pipes which might have previously contained substances that may cause explosions fires or other reactions Welding cutting equipment heats up F...

Page 8: ...areas To prevent gas cylinders from tipping over on machines with a gas platform suitable for the tanks fix the tanks on to the platform in stationary usage applications fix them to the wall with a c...

Page 9: ...nce must be carried out All covers on the body of the machine must be closed and or locked when the device is in use Any changes other than the standard settings without the written approval of the ma...

Page 10: ...materials tape cable ties etc The operator s body and head should be kept as far away from the welding cutting machine and cables as possible Welding cutting and electric cables should not be wrapped...

Page 11: ...lding of all kinds of stick electrodes up to 4 mm Enhanced professional TIG controls such as HF start Touch Lift pre gas up slope pulse down slope post gas crater filling are present Up to 10 complete...

Page 12: ...following 4 minutes should be kept idle for the machine cool down zone 2 Duty Cycle Temperature C 6 min 6 min 6 min 4 min 4 min 4 min Time min Duty Cycle Open Circuit Voltage Rated Welding Current Ma...

Page 13: ...ater Cooled TIG Torch Water Cooling Unit CSP 40 Foot Pedal On Off TIG Accessory Set Air Cooled Torch Regulator Lava TIG 26 8 m Air Cooled TIG Torch Water Cooled TIG Accessory Set Torch Regulator QTY 1...

Page 14: ...paces Observe the duty cycle rates specified on the product label Exceeding duty cycle rates can damage the machine and this may invalidate the warranty Use the fuse that is compliant with your system...

Page 15: ...e sure that the threading of the gas outlet of the cylinder and the nut of the regulator match Connect one end of gas hose to the gas regulator and connect the other end to the gas supply inlet Open t...

Page 16: in Insert the collet into the torch Scrrew the clamping cap tightly The ceramic gas nozzle and the tungsten electrode diameters should be selected according to the working current and the shape of...

Page 17: ...tly to the work piece as close as possible to the welding area Adjust the desired current and the machine is ready to weld Below table is given as a reference for currrent adjustment of mild steel ele...

Page 18: ...e number of the selected program Program Selection Button s for selecting the desired program Welding Mode Selection Button s for selecting MMA HF Start TIG and Touch Lift TIG modes When MMA mode is s...

Page 19: ...nob While led is on the desired value is adjusted by turning the multifunctional knob Final Current Led s selected by pushing multifunctional knob While led is on the desired value is adjusted by t ur...

Page 20: ...rrent Base Current Main Current Main Current Current Up Slope Pulse Circuit Rate Current Down Slope Final Current 0 10 sec 1 sec 16 0 1 10 sec 30 160 A 0 1 10 sec 0 23 sec 1 sec 40 A 1 sec 2 sec 18 20...

Page 21: the torch trigger is kept pushed After releasing the trigger current decreases according to down slope time adjustment and reaches to final current after post gas flow period the operation ends 3 3...

Page 22: ...t is simply adjusted by the multifunctional pot For using welding modes 2 Stroke 4 Stroke Spot Welding in Pulse DC mode select Pulse DC mode by button its led will be on In this case main current base...

Page 23: ...tention to the connections and the durableness of the parts Replace the damaged defective parts with the new ones Do not ever make additions to repair the cables Ensure adequate space for ventilation...

Page 24: ...cools enough Thermal Protection led fades away and the machine can weld When the lamp of power switch is lighting cooling fan is working but the machine does not weld turn off the machine for 1 minut...

Page 25: ...ket Hall Effect Sensor Potency Button ON OFF Switch Electronic Card E201B 2 TIG Handle Fan Membrane Label Electronic Card E502A 2 Born Socket Black K405000101 A229500001 K405000113 A245700002 K0000009...

Page 26: ...26 www magmaweld com USER MANUAL KULLANIM KILAVUZU monoTIG 160ip EN Earth Lexan Panel Valve Trigger Socket Outlet 5 2 Electrical Diagram Annex...

Page 27: ...a Tor Ba lant lar Topraklama Pensesi Ba lant lar Tungsten Elektrodu De i tirme rt l Elektrod Kayna in Ba lant lar KULLANIM B LG LER Kullan c Aray z TIG E risi Men Yap s TIG Kayna Y ntemi TIG Kayna Mod...

Page 28: ...l elektrik standartlar na ve di er ilgili y netmeliklere uygun oldu undan emin olun ve makinenin yetkili ki iler taraf ndan kurulmas n sa lay n Kuru ve sa lam izolasyonlu eldiven ve i nl giyin Islak y...

Page 29: ...havalanmas n sa lay n gaz t pleri kullan mda de ilken ana vanalar n kapal tutun gaz ka aklar na dikkat edin Argon gibi koruyucu gazlar havadan daha yo undur ve kapal alanlarda kullan ld klar takdirde...

Page 30: ...dikkati g sterin inde daha nce patlama yang n ya da di er tepkimelere neden olabilecek maddeler bulunan t p ve borulara bo dahi olsalar kaynak kesme yapmay n Kaynak kesme i lemi esnas nda y ksek s ca...

Page 31: ...zerine sabit kullan mlarda ise devrilmeyecek ekilde zincirle duvara sabitleyin Operat rlerin makine zerindeki ayarlara ve ba lant lara kolayca ula mas n sa lay n D en Par alar Yaralanmalara Sebep Olab...

Page 32: ...acak ekilde ilerlemelidirler Kaynak kesme kablolar hi bir ekilde sar lmamal d r Kaynak kesme esnas nda makinede manyetik alan olu maktad r Bu durum makinenin metal par alar kendi zerine ekmeye sebebiy...

Page 33: ...nlendirilmek zorundad r Kullan lm makinenizin at k y netimi hakk nda sat c n zdan ve yetkili ki ilerden bilgi edinin At k Prosed r EMF ayr ca kalp pilleri gibi t bbi implantlar n v cut i ine yerle ti...

Page 34: ...e se ilerek t pa t p ayn kayna yeniden elde etme imkan n verir Ak m s re program ayarlar dijital g stergelerden izlenir monoTIG 160ip 160 V ila 240 V aras nda 50 60 Hz ebeke geriliminde al abildi inde...

Page 35: ...ebeke Gerilimi ve Frekans Koruma S n f Anma Kaynak Gerilimi ebekeden ekilen G ebekeden ekilen Anma Ak m EN 60974 1 standard nda da tan mland zere al ma evrim oran 10 dakikal k bir zaman periyodunu i...

Page 36: ...ekilen G TIG Boyutlar u x g x y Anma Kaynak Ak m A rl k A k Devre Gerilimi 1 5 Aksesuarlar STANDART AKSESUARLAR ADET monoTIG 160ip Elektrod Pensesi ve Kablosu Lava TIG 18W 4 m Su So utmal TIG Torcu Ta...

Page 37: ...larda kaynak duman ve gaz soluma riski varsa solunum aparatlar kullan n r n etiketinde belirtilen al ma evrimi oranlar na uyun al ma evrimi oranlar n s kl kla asmak makineye hasar verebilir ve bu duru...

Page 38: ...lektrod ap mm CX79 TIG tor adapt r ile TIG torcu ba lant lar Torcun ucundaki somunu plastik g vdeden ge irerek tor fi ine s k ca tak n Ard ndan tor fi ini plastik g vdeye yerle tirin Gaz hortumu dirse...

Page 39: g re se ilmelidir Buna ba l olarak k ska ve k ska tutucunun aplar tungsten elektrodun ap yla rt melidir S k t rma ba l n kart n Mevcut elektrodu elektrod k skac ndan kart p yeni tungsten elektrodu...

Page 40: ...i in topraklama pensesini kaynak yap lacak b lgeye olabildi ince yak n bir yerde i par as na s k ca ba lay n Kaynak ak m n ayarlay n Makine kayna a haz rd r A a daki tablo ala ms z eliklerin amper ay...

Page 41: ...ram se mek i in kullan l r Kaynak Modu Se im D mesi rt l Elektrod kayna HF tutu turmal TIG kayna ve Dokundurma Ba latmal TIG kayna mod lar ndan birini se mek i in kullan l r rt l elektrod kayna modu s...

Page 42: basarak se ilir Led yand nda ok fonksiyonlu d me sa ve sol y nde evrilerek alt ak m istenen de ere ayarlan r Biti Ak m Ayar Ledi ok fonksiyonlu d meye basarak se ilir Led yand nda ok fonksiyonlu d...

Page 43: ...resi Son Gaz Ba lang Ak m Alt Ak m st Ak m st Ak m Ba lang Rampa Pulse evrim Oran Biti Rampa Biti Ak m 0 10 sn 1 sn 16 0 1 10 sn 30 160 A 0 1 10 sn 0 23 sn 1 sn 40 A 1 sn 2 sn 18 20 23 25 Ba lang Ak...

Page 44: ...tmal TIG kayna n se in 2 konumu 4 konumu Punta konumu se im d mesini kullanarak bu modlardan ise uygun olan se in DC TIG PULSE li DC TIG se im d mesi ile DC TIG veya PULSE DC TIG modunu se in Kaynak p...

Page 45: ...e kaynak ak m ledi aktif olur ve kaynak ak m ayar yap l r 3 3 3 rt l Elektrod Kayna Y ntemi Kullan m Bilgileri Tor teti ine bas p tuttu unuzda n gaz n ard ndan ba lang ak m ba lar ve teti i b rakt n z...

Page 46: ...r na ve sa laml na dikkat ediniz Hasar g rm ar zal par alar yenisi ile de i tiriniz Kablolara ek onar m kesinlikle yapmay n z Havaland rma i in yeterli alan oldu una emin olunuz Kayna a ba lamadan nce...

Page 47: ...b rak n Makine so uyup termik ar za ledi s nd nde kayna a devam edebilirsiniz Fan al yor ve a ma kapama d mesinin yanarken makine kaynak yapm yorsa makineyi kapat p 1 dakika bekleyip makineyi tekrar...

Page 48: ...Elektronik Kart E502A 1 Kaynak Prizi Hall Efekt Sens r Potans D mesi A ma Kapama Anahtar Elektronik Kart E201B 2 TIG Ta ma Kolu Fan Membran Etiket Elektronik Kart E502A 2 Born Klemens Siyah K405000101...

Page 49: ...49 www magmaweld com USER MANUAL KULLANIM KILAVUZU TR monoTIG 160ip Toprak Toprak 4 2 Devre emas Ekler...

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Page 56: ...53 magmaweld com info magmaweld com Magma Mekatronik Makine Sanayi ve Ticaret A Organize Sanayi B lgesi 5 K s m 45030 Manisa T RK YE T 236 226 27 00 F 236 226 27 28 09 11 2021 UM_MONOTP160_112021_112...
