• In general, to maximize the amount of juice you obtain, add juice-rich
fruit and vegetables such as apples, carrots and cucumber.
• Soak fibrous vegetables for at least 30 minutes and dried fruit for 8
hours in cold water to optimize their yield.
• Depending on whether you use the Juice Filter or Extra Press
attachment, you will not obtain the same amount of juice.
• You will always have more juice with the Extra Press
, a patented
system that crushes the fruit and vegetables to extract the maximum
amount of juice, than with the Juice Filter.
• For example, when juicing pineapples, the Juice Filter will yield a
clear, pure juice, whereas the Extra Press
attachment will deliver a
creamy smoothie that is richer in fibres and other nutrients.
• To slow the oxidation process down, add a dash of lemon juice.
• Depending on the type of fruit and vegetables you use, the juice may
settle into separate layers. This does not affect either the taste or the
health benefits of the juice, simply stir with a spoon to re-mix.