Screen Brightness
Use the Day and Night slider bars to set the screen brightness desired.
Night brightness should be lowered when you find the display
distracting while driving at night.
Dim on Battery Power
Select whether or not the screen brightness will be dimmed when the device is operating on its
internal battery.
The brighter the screen, the shorter the life of the internal battery. It
is recommended that this is checked to provide optimum battery life
while the device is operating on its internal battery only.
Storage information
View the total internal memory of the device and the amount of available space is available for
addition data (contacts, content, etc.).
Product information
View detailed information for the device. (Serial number, the geographic areas being used,
information on the maps, software version, etc.)
end-user License Agreement
Legal statement describing the contract between Magellan and the end-user as to how the
software can and cannot be used as well as any restrictions imposed by Magellan.
Recognizes the originators of content data used in the Magellan SmartGPS.