Speed Limits
While traveling on major roads the speed limit for the road you are
on is displayed. When you have exceeded the posted speed limit,
the speed limit icon will have a red warning halo.
The Speed Limit Warning Threshold for highways and other roads
can be set in ‘Settings > Navigation & Maps’.
Current posted speed limit.
Exceeding the posted speed limit by the threshold set in
Settings > Navigation & Maps.
Alert Icons
There are two standard alerts that can be displayed on the screen
when they are present in your area, Red Light Cameras and Fixed
Speed Cameras.
Premium Alerts can be purchased for the Magellan SmartGPS
receiver from the Magellan Store (www.magellangps.com/Shop).
Location of a red light camera.
Location of a fixed speed camera.
Map Screen Content Squares
There are eight different content squares that are available on the Magellan SmartGPS receiver. Slide
the Screen Dial to the left to view all eight squares. Normal operation is that while displaying the
split screen, four squares are shown. (You can select which squares are shown but the default is Gas,
Traffic, Yelp and FourSquare.) While navigating to a destination, only two squares are displayed.
These two squares are Alerts (Traffic and PhantomALERTS), Places (Yelp and FourSquare) and Fuel
Prices. The squares displayed while navigating are not customizable. A brief explanation of the
squares follows.