<p>The first call to REFind to search this string is:
<p>This function returns a structure that contains two arrays: pos and len.</p>
<p>To create this structure you can use a CFSET statement, for example: </p>
<CFSET st = REFind("[[:alpha:]]",testString,1,"TRUE")>
<cfset st = REFind("[[:alpha:]]",testString,1,"TRUE")>
The number of elements in each array: #ArrayLen(st.pos)#.
<p><b>The number of elements in the pos and len arrays is always one
if you do not use parentheses in the regular expression.</b></p>
<p>The value of st.pos[1] is: <cfoutput>#st.pos[1]#.</cfoutput></p>
<p>The value of st.len[1] is: <cfoutput>#st.len[1]#.</cfoutput></p>
Substring is <b>[#Mid(testString,st.pos[1],st.len[1])#]</B>
<hr size = "2" color = "#0000A0">
<p>However, if you use parentheses in the regular expression, the first
element contains the position and length of the first instance
of the whole expression. The position and length of the first instance
of each parenthesized subexpression within is included in additional
array elements.</p>
<p>For example:
<CFSET st1 = REFind("([[:alpha:]])[ ]+(\1)",testString,1,"TRUE")></p>
<cfset st1 = REFind("([[:alpha:]]+)[ ]+(\1)",testString,1,"TRUE")>
<p>The number of elements in each array is <cfoutput>#ArrayLen(st1.pos)#
<p>First whole expression match; position is
length is #st1.len[1]#; whole expression match is
<p>Subsequent elements of the arrays provide the position and length of
the first instance of each parenthesized subexpression therein.</p>
<cfloop index = "i" from = "2" to = "#ArrayLen(st1.pos)#">
<p><cfoutput>Position is #st1.pos[i]#; Length is #st1.len[i]#;
Substring is <B>[#Mid(testString,st1.pos[i],st1.len[i])#]
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Page 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Page 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
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Page 515: ...Chr 515 maxlength 5 p input type Submit name input type RESET cfform...
Page 605: ...GetEncoding 605 WriteOutput The encoding is theEncoding cfscript cfif...
Page 629: ...GetProfileString 629 tr td input type Submit name Submit value Submit td td td tr table form...
Page 655: ...IIf 655 cfoutput IIf Hour Now GTE 12 DE It is afternoon or evening DE It is morning cfoutput b...
Page 664: ...664 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfelse h3 Conversion error h3 cfif...
Page 687: ...IsStruct 687 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 751: ...LSDateFormat 751 hr noshade cfoutput cfloop...
Page 861: ...StructFind 861 cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 903: ...Val 903 value Is the beginning numeric name form...
Page 932: ...932 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions...
Page 944: ...944 Chapter 4 ColdFusion MX Flash Form Style Reference...
Page 962: ...962 Chapter 5 Application CFC Reference...
Page 1054: ...1054 Chapter 6 ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference...