The following table shows examples of patterns and file names that they match:
<!--- EXAMPLE 1: Creating and Renaming
Check that the directory exists to avoid getting a
ColdFusion error message. --->
<cfset newDirectory = "otherNewDir">
<cfset currentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath()) & "newDir">
<!--- Check to see if the Directory exists. --->
<cfif DirectoryExists(currentDirectory)>
<!--- If TRUE then rename the directory. --->
<cfdirectory action = "rename" directory = "#currentDirectory#" newDirectory
= "#newDirectory#" >
<p>The directory existed and the name has been changed to: #newDirectory#</
<!--- If FALSE, create the directory. --->
<cfdirectory action = "create" directory = "#currentDirectory#" >
<cfoutput><p>Your directory has been created.</p></cfoutput>
<!--- EXAMPLE 2: Deleting a directory
Check that the directory exists and that files are not in the directory
to avoid getting ColdFusion error messages. --->
<cfset currentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath()) &
<!--- Check to see if the Directory exists. --->
<cfif DirectoryExists(currentDirectory)>
<!--- If TRUE, check to see if there are files in the directory before
deleting. --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#currentDirectory#"
<cfif myDirectory.recordcount gt 0>
<!--- If TRUE, delete the files from the directory. --->
<p>Files exist in this directory. Either delete the files or code
something to do so.</P>
<!--- Directory is empty - just delete the directory. --->
<cfdirectory action = "delete" directory = "#currentDirectory#">
<p>The directory existed and has been deleted.</P>
Any file called foo with any extension; for example, foo.html, foo.cfm, and foo.xml.
All files with the suffix .html, but not files with the suffix .htm.
All files with two-character names.
Page 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
Page 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Page 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
Page 101: ...cfdefaultcase 101 cfdefaultcase cfswitch cfoutput Your grade is grade cfoutput...
Page 115: ...cfdocumentsection 115 cfdocumentsection cfoutput cfdocument...
Page 411: ...cftable 411 cftable body html...
Page 515: ...Chr 515 maxlength 5 p input type Submit name input type RESET cfform...
Page 605: ...GetEncoding 605 WriteOutput The encoding is theEncoding cfscript cfif...
Page 629: ...GetProfileString 629 tr td input type Submit name Submit value Submit td td td tr table form...
Page 655: ...IIf 655 cfoutput IIf Hour Now GTE 12 DE It is afternoon or evening DE It is morning cfoutput b...
Page 664: ...664 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfelse h3 Conversion error h3 cfif...
Page 687: ...IsStruct 687 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 751: ...LSDateFormat 751 hr noshade cfoutput cfloop...
Page 861: ...StructFind 861 cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 903: ...Val 903 value Is the beginning numeric name form...
Page 932: ...932 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions...
Page 944: ...944 Chapter 4 ColdFusion MX Flash Form Style Reference...
Page 962: ...962 Chapter 5 Application CFC Reference...
Page 1054: ...1054 Chapter 6 ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference...