<h3>cfexit Example</h3>
<p>cfexit can be used to abort the processing of the currently executing
CFML custom tag. Execution resumes following the invocation of
the custom tag in the page that called the tag.
<h3>Usage of cfexit</h3>
<p>cfexit is used primarily to perform a conditional stop of processing
inside a custom tag. cfexit returns control to the page that
called that custom tag, or in the case of a tag called by another
tag, to the calling tag.
<!--- cfexit can be used within a CFML custom tag, as follows: --->
<!--- Place this code (uncomment the appropriate sections) within the
customtags directory. --->
<!--- MyCustomTag.cfm --->
<!--- This simple custom tag checks for the existence.
of myValue1 and myValue2. If they are both defined,
the tag adds them and returns the result to the calling
page in the variable "result". If either or both of the
expected attribute variables is not present, an error message
is generated, and cfexit returns control to the
calling page. --->
<!--- <cfif NOT IsDefined("attributes.myValue2")>
<cfset caller.result = "Value2 is not defined">
<cfexit method = "exitTag">
<cfelseif NOT IsDefined("attributes.myValue1")>
<cfset caller.result = "Value1 is not defined">
<cfexit method = "exitTag">
<cfset value1 = attributes.myValue1>
<cfset value2 = attributes.myValue2>
<cfset caller.result = value2>
</cfif> --->
<!--- End MyCustomTag.cfm --->
<!--- Place this code within your page --->
<!--- <p>The call to the custom tag, and then the result:
myvalue2 = 4>
<cfoutput>#result#</cfoutput> --->
<p>If cfexit is used outside a custom tag, it functions like a cfabort.
For example, the text after this message is not processed:
<p>This text is not executed because of the cfexit tag above it.
Page 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
Page 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Page 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
Page 101: ...cfdefaultcase 101 cfdefaultcase cfswitch cfoutput Your grade is grade cfoutput...
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