CFML Reference
is your primary ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) reference. Use this
manual to learn about CFML tags and functions, ColdFusion expressions, and using JavaScript
objects for WDDX in Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7. It also provides detailed references for Java
and C++ CFX interfaces.
About Macromedia ColdFusion MX documentation
The ColdFusion MX documentation is designed to provide support for the complete spectrum of
Documentation set
The ColdFusion documentation set includes the following titles:
Installing and Using
ColdFusion MX
Describes system installation and basic configuration for Windows, Solaris,
Linux, and HP-UX.
Configuring and
ColdFusion MX
Part I describes how to manage the ColdFusion environment, including
connecting to your data sources and configuring security for your
applications. Part II describes Verity search tools and utilities that you can
use for configuring the Verity K2 Server search engine, as well as creating,
managing, and troubleshooting Verity collections.
ColdFusion MX
Developer’s Guide
Describes how to develop your dynamic web applications, including
retrieving and updating your data, and using structures and forms.
Getting Started
ColdFusion MX
Contains an overview of ColdFusion features and application development
procedures. Includes a tutorial that guides you through the process of
developing an example ColdFusion application.
CFML Reference
Provides descriptions, syntax, usage, and code examples for all ColdFusion
tags, functions, and variables.
CFML Quick Reference
A brief guide that shows the syntax of ColdFusion tags, functions, and
Page 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
Page 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Page 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
Page 101: ...cfdefaultcase 101 cfdefaultcase cfswitch cfoutput Your grade is grade cfoutput...
Page 115: ...cfdocumentsection 115 cfdocumentsection cfoutput cfdocument...
Page 411: ...cftable 411 cftable body html...
Page 515: ...Chr 515 maxlength 5 p input type Submit name input type RESET cfform...
Page 605: ...GetEncoding 605 WriteOutput The encoding is theEncoding cfscript cfif...
Page 629: ...GetProfileString 629 tr td input type Submit name Submit value Submit td td td tr table form...
Page 655: ...IIf 655 cfoutput IIf Hour Now GTE 12 DE It is afternoon or evening DE It is morning cfoutput b...
Page 664: ...664 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfelse h3 Conversion error h3 cfif...
Page 687: ...IsStruct 687 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 751: ...LSDateFormat 751 hr noshade cfoutput cfloop...
Page 861: ...StructFind 861 cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 903: ...Val 903 value Is the beginning numeric name form...
Page 932: ...932 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions...
Page 944: ...944 Chapter 4 ColdFusion MX Flash Form Style Reference...
Page 962: ...962 Chapter 5 Application CFC Reference...
Page 1054: ...1054 Chapter 6 ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference...