Chapter 6: ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference
CFML CFEvent structure
The CFML listener CFC methods receive messages in the form of a CFEvent structure that
corresponds to the
CFEvent class
that gateway developers use. This structure has the following
fields. Some of the fields might not be used by all gateways. All fields contain text or numeric
values except the Data field, which contains a structure.
IM gateway methods and commands
The XMPP and IBM Sametime gateways implement CFC methods to receive messages, use the
gatewayHelper object methods to manage the gateway, and use outgoing message commands to
send messages. The following sections describe these methods and commands:
IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
IM gateway message sending commands
IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
The event gateway that sent the event or will handle the outgoing message.
The value is the ID of an event gateway instance configured on the ColdFusion
MX Administrator Gateways page. If the application calls the
function to respond to the event gateway, it uses this ID as
the function’s first parameter.
A structure containing the event data, including the message. The
structure contents depend on the event gateway type. This field corresponds to
function’s second parameter.
The originator of the message. The value depends on the protocol or event
gateway type. Some event gateways might require this value in response
messages to identify the destination of the response. Identifies the sender of
the message.
The type of event gateway, such as SMS. An application that can process
messages from multiple event gateway types can use this field. This value is the
gateway type name that is specified by the event Gateway class. It is not
necessarily the same as the gateway type name in the ColdFusion MX
The location of the listener CFC. The listener CFC does not need to use this
The listener method that ColdFusion invokes to process the event. The listener
CFC does not need to use this field.
The time-out, in seconds, for the listener CFC to process the event request.
The listener CFC does not need to use this field.
Page 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
Page 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Page 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
Page 101: ...cfdefaultcase 101 cfdefaultcase cfswitch cfoutput Your grade is grade cfoutput...
Page 115: ...cfdocumentsection 115 cfdocumentsection cfoutput cfdocument...
Page 411: ...cftable 411 cftable body html...
Page 515: ...Chr 515 maxlength 5 p input type Submit name input type RESET cfform...
Page 605: ...GetEncoding 605 WriteOutput The encoding is theEncoding cfscript cfif...
Page 629: ...GetProfileString 629 tr td input type Submit name Submit value Submit td td td tr table form...
Page 655: ...IIf 655 cfoutput IIf Hour Now GTE 12 DE It is afternoon or evening DE It is morning cfoutput b...
Page 664: ...664 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfelse h3 Conversion error h3 cfif...
Page 687: ...IsStruct 687 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 751: ...LSDateFormat 751 hr noshade cfoutput cfloop...
Page 861: ...StructFind 861 cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Page 903: ...Val 903 value Is the beginning numeric name form...
Page 932: ...932 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions...
Page 944: ...944 Chapter 4 ColdFusion MX Flash Form Style Reference...
Page 962: ...962 Chapter 5 Application CFC Reference...
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