Onyx Blackbird
65 66 67 68
Global Blackbird Controls
Similar to Transformers or Megan Fox, there is much
more to Blackbird than meets the eye. Your workflow
may be drastically improved by understanding the
controls in the top-right section of the GUI. For one,
Blackbird supports its own .bsf file extension (Blackbird
Settings File), which saves the entire state of the 18x16
mixer and all corresponding output tabs – levels, pans,
channel names, etc. Want to learn more? Read on...
65. LOAD
This button loads any saved .bsf file on the computer.
Simply click load, browse for the .bsf file of choice and
click open – instant recall of all saved settings in the
mixer view.
A default file has been provided with the driver and
Blackbird Control software. It is conveniently and
cleverly titled "Blackbird Default.bsf".
66. SAVE
When connected to a Blackbird, the Blackbird Control
application retains its last known state when launched.
However, multiple last known states might need to be
recalled to find the choice settings. We are here to save
the day. Yes, pun intended.
The save feature may be used on a song-by-song,
band-by-band, or session-by-session basis. The number
of saves allowed is only limited by the size of your hard
Saving just about every setting in the mixer tab (level,
pan, channel name, etc) is a cinch. Click save, find a
location on the computer to store these files using the
browser and click save again.
When saving, make sure the save file ends
with the extension .bsf to ensure that it saves
67. COPY and PASTE
The copy function works on a tab-by-tab basis, where
all viewable mixer settings (volume, pan, mute, solo,
etc.) may be copied from one output tab to another, or
one mix to the other.
This is useful in a number of ways. For example, if a
pretty sweet mix has been created, you can use it as a
template for another mix. Simply select the output tab
to be copied (by bringing it to the fore) and select copy.
Now select the output tab it should be pasted to and
select paste. This is also known as "Pulling a Behringer."
The reset function allows any mixer tab to be reset
to the factory default settings on a tab-by-tab basis. It's
easy! Select the tab desired (to bring it to the fore),
select reset, then select OK.
If you want to reset all output tabs, just load the
provided "Blackbird Default.bsf" file.
Blackbird Control Summary
All the tools necessary to create a positive workflow
and creative environment in the studio have been
provided. It is up to you to now utilize these tools.
Remember that the Blackbird Control application
may link up to four Blackbirds through a single control
panel. Just think of the possibilities: up to 32 Onyx
preamps and 32 ADAT inputs on only four rack spaces
with a full potential of 64 Onyx preamp signals routed
over FireWire in eight rack spaces. More importantly,
every time four Blackbirds are linked as such, a kitty cat
enters the universe as a 'thank you' from the audio gods.