Onyx Blackbird
For more precise adjustments, double-click on the
white fader level display below the fader and type in
these numeric adjustments manually (e.g. –3, then
If you elect not to type in adjustments and move the
faders manually, this display will still reflect the position
of the fader in dB of gain applied/reduced. Input fader
levels are post-input metering.
54. SOLO
This may be used to listen to an input signal (or
combination of input signals) without the interference
of other active inputs.
When a channel is soloed, this button turns yellow.
Solos are post-fader, post-input level, and post-mute;
post-mute meaning you will not hear a soloed input
signal if that input signal is also muted.
55. LINK
Odd and even-numbered pairs of channels may also
be stereo-linked for ease of control over stereo source
signals. When channels are linked, they share a single
mute [49], solo [54] and fader [51], that control the
output of the channel pair. Input meters [52] and peak
levels [50] are still viewed independently from either
side of the stereo pair.
The pans [48] are mirrored, meaning that if one
channel is panned left, its linked stereo pair will pan
right by the same increment.
Output Master Section Features
Since Blackbird features an 18x16 matrix mixer, each
output tab (stereo pair) features its own master section
when forward, comprised of the following features:
56. NAME
At the top of each master section are two names, one
customizable and one fixed. To customize phones 1, for
example, first select that output tab. Next, double-click
the green text at the top of the master section to edit it.
The output tab also conveniently stores this information
for easy reference throughout the session.
All master tabs retain their original, fixed names in
addition to any updates. This way, both associations
with the output are available and it will be difficult to
lose track of which output tab is feeding which artist
and/or physical output.
If there is a clip indicated anywhere on the matrix
mixer and all necessary gain adjustments have been
made to compensate for them, select clear peaks to
remove all previous peak indicators from ALL mixer
When a peak has occurred on another mixer (e.g. one
that is not presently being viewed), the clear peaks text
will turn yellow to indicate that a peak has occurred.
Feel free to make any necessary gain adjustments and
select the clear peaks tab once again.
This button allows you to mute output from the active
mixer tab, and in turn from its corresponding hardware
output on Blackbird.
It is possible to mute or un-mute mixes from
the output tabs, as well, without making those
mixers active.
When mute is engaged, this button (and its
corresponding button in the output tab) will turn red.
Mute mix is pre-fader and pre-output metering.
65 66 67 68
When channels are first linked, the right
(even) channel slaves to the left (odd)
channel, and the fader levels [51] and pans
[48] of both inputs will automatically move to the
position dictated by the level and pan of the left (odd)