Advance 1.0, 11.2020
11.1.5 Transmittance
The basic function
enables the measurement of a
sample’s transmission against a zero solution. After having se-
lected this method, a window will appear asking for the wave-
length of measurement.
After calling the menu, a window appears for entering the wave-
lengths. The wavelengths are entered in a list by pressing
. By
, the marked entry is removed from the list.
Confirming with
will open the measurement window. A request
for a zero solution will appear. Inserting the zero solution and
initiates the zero measurement. After the successful
measurement of the zero solution, the sample solution needs to
be inserted. Pressing
starts the measurement process. After
the measurement has been completed, the measurement result
will be displayed in the measurement window.
11.1.6 Turbidity
The basic function
enables the measurement of a sam-
ples nephelometric turbidity.
You will be prompted to insert the sample solution. Insertion of
the test tube and pressing
initiates the measurement. After
the measurement has been completed, the measurement result
will be displayed in the result window. When measuring against a
zero value, the cuvette with the zero solution must be measured
before measuring the sample solution. The measurement of the
zero solution is started by pressing
The nephelometric turbidity measurement can only be per-
formed in the 16 mm and 24 mm OD test tubes.
11.2 MN Tests
The MN Tests menu is opened by pressing
. The available op-
tions are shown on the left. Press the appropriate icon to open the
desired menu.
11.2.1 Tube Tests
tube tests can be called up in the device in various
ways. All test tubes are labelled with a barcode (Except test 0-72
pH). When the start screen is active or the device is in measuring
mode, the barcode of the inserted test tube will be scanned auto-
matically. The instrument detects the tube test and the measuring
process is initiated