Initial operation
Advance 1.0, 11.2020
10.2.3 Start screen
The start page of the device is empty when delivered. However,
up to eight different icons can be linked on the start page. These
are then available directly after the device is started. The icons can
be attached to the start screen by holding the icon for a longer
time and confirming the command “Attach to start screen”. The
icons are automatically arranged in the order in which they were
linked. To delete the favorite icons from the start screen, you can
remove them again by pressing the respective icon for a longer
time and confirming the command “Detach from start screen”.
10.2.4 Radio buttons, check boxes and and sliders
Radio buttons contain black bordered selection points. Selection points are shown as cir-
cles. Active selection points are filled in. Only one selection point is active in a radio button.
Touch a selection point to activate it. When you exit the menu, the selected options are
Checkboxes are square boxes that are active as soon as a check mark is set. If you
touch an empty checkbox, it is marked with a check mark and is activated. If you touch a
checkbox with a tick, the tick is removed and the checkbox is deactivated. It is possible to
select several checkboxes in parallel.
Sliders are used to activate and deactivate various functions. If the slider is highlighted in
blue, the function is active and if it is displayed in grey, it is inactive.
In some menus, an option is selected via a popup menu in form of a list from which the
required option can be selected by clicking
(see 10.2.5 List functions, page 14)
10.2.5 List functions
When confirming text or number fields, it is possible that a selec-
tion list appears instead of an input keyboard. The contents of
the list can be moved by vertical wiping. The selection is made by
pressing the corresponding entry. The currently active entry in the
list is displayed with a colored background. A distinction is made
between two types of lists: With predefined lists (e.g. submethod)
there is no possibility to add an entry, whereas the dynamic lists
(e.g. sample locations) can be edited by the user. The possibility
of executing actions in a list is controlled via the application bar
of a list.