500 D 01/2012
Test tube for correction (value B)
0-58 Manganese 10
Fill empty test tube with 4.0 mL sample solution, 0.5 mL distilled water
and 0.5 mL R2, close and mix.
Add 1 measuring spoon R3, close and shake vigorously.
0-61 Nickel 7
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-61,
but instead of 1.0 mL R2 add 1.0 mL NaOH 14 %.
0-64, 0-65
Nitrate 8–50
Open nitrate test tube, add 0.5 mL sample and 0.5 mL 2-propanol, close,
Blank value for correction:
Open nitrate test tube, add 0.5 mL distilled water and 0.5 mL 2-propanol,
close, mix.
0-66 Nitrate 250
Open nitrate test tube, add 0.2 mL sample and 0.5 mL 2-propanol, close,
Blank value for correction:
Open nitrate test tube, add 0.2 mL distilled water and 0.5 mL 2-propanol,
close, mix.
0-68 Nitrite 2
Fill empty test tube with 4.0 mL sample, add 0.2 mL R2, close, mix.
0-69 Nitrite 4
Open nitrite test tube, add 4.0 mL sample solution, close, mix.
0-70 POC 200
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-70,
but instead of 1.0 mL R2 add 1.0 mL distilled water.
0-72 pH 6.5–8.2
The original test contains a correction.
0-73 Sulfide 3
Fill empty test tube with 0.5 mL sulfuric acid 50 %, add 1 measuring spoon
R2 and 4.0 mL sample solution, close and shake gently.
Add 200 μL R3, close, mix.
0-74 Phenolic index 5
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-74,
but do not add NANOFIX R2, close, mix.
0-55, 0-76, 0-80, 0-81
Phosphate 1–45
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-55 / 0-76 / 0-80 / 0-81
but instead of R4 add 0.2 mL distilled water, close, mix.
Phosphate 50
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-79,
but instead of R3 add 1.0 mL sulfuric acid 20 %, close, mix.
0-82 Oxygen 12
8-22, 8-25 BOD
The original tests contain a correction.
0-83, 0-88, 0-92
22 / 60 / 220
Almost all colors and turbidities are destroyed under test conditions and do
not interfere. For samples which are still colored or turbid after decomposi-
tion, correction values are determined as described above for test 0-64.
0-84 Residual
hardness 1
Open Residual hardness test tube, add 5,0 mL sample solution,
close and mix.
0-85 Starch 100
no correction possible.
0-86 Sulfate 200
0-87 Sulfate 1000
The original test contains a correction.
0-89 Sulfite 10
Open sulfite test tube, add 4.0 mL sample and 0.2 mL distilled water,
close and mix.
0-90 Sulfite 100
Anal.result = A + B
Fill empty test tube with 0.2 mL R2, 4.0 mL sample solution
and 1.0 mL distilled water, close, mix.
0-91 Thiocyanate 50
Fill empty test tube with 4.0 mL sample.
0-93, 0-94, 0-99
TOC 25–600
The original tests contain a correction.
0-96 Zinc 4
Fill empty test tube with 4.0 mL sample, add 0.2 mL R2, close and mix.
0-97 Tin 3
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-97,
add 1.0 mL ethanol instead of R4.
0-98 Aluminium 07
Proceed as described in the instructions for test 0-98,
add 0.5 mL distilled water instead of R3.
8-38 Ethanol 1000
Open ethanol test tube, add 4.0 mL R1 and 0.5 mL sample solution (con-
sider dilution), mix, add 2 drops R3, close and mix.
8-59 Methanol 15
Open methanol test tube, add 3.0 mL R1 and 1.5 mL sample solution (con-
sider dilution), mix, add 2 drops R3, close and mix.
8-71 Peroxide 2
Fill empty test tube with 4.0 mL sample.