mode (turn the Droid on with the trigger depressed). The indicator LED should now show blue (debounce
register). Use a q-tip or similar non metallic, blunt item to depress the tourney lock button as shown. Hold the
button for approximately 10 seconds until you see the indicator LED flash a rainbow of colours. The software
is now reset to default settings.
If you experience difficulties setting or resetting your software, please contact your closest MacDev tech for
If you take 10 minutes after every day of play to maintain your Droid, you will be rewarded with consistent
reliable performance.
You should perform basic cleaning after every day of play, and you should perform drive train and inline regu-
lator maintenance after at least every 2 days of play. You can clean and maintain your Droid more often, it is
up to you.
When maintaining your Droid, use only MacDev accessories. Your Droid is packaged with an allen key set
and a small tub of MacDev Militia Lube, only use Militia Lube to lubricate your Droid.
Basic cleaning
After using your Droid, always clean old paint from the outside. Always clean your barrel using a barrel swab
to remove traces of dirt and paint. Use your barrel swab to clean the breech and feed tube in a similar way.
Your Droid internal parts are quite well protected and sealed. However, when not in use, dirt can get into the
marker and cause problems - so storage of your marker is just as important as cleaning. When storing your
marker, ensure that it is stored in a closed box or bag that is free of dirt, otherwise dirt may get into the vent-
ing ASA or breech.