Lyngdorf MP-50 – External Control Manual
Control Via Serial Port
The serial port on the MP-50 is wired as a DTE, so for communication with a PC or similar,
you will need a null modem adapter and gender changer.
The port settings should always be 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit and no hardware
handshake. The baud rate is 115200 bits per second. All commands and responses are in
ASCII form.
When controlling the MP-50 via the serial port, it is able to wake up even when the standby
mode has been set to “deep sleep.” However, the MP-50 will miss the first one or two
characters transmitted when in deep sleep, because it needs to wake up first. To make sure
the MP-50 is ready for the command, send a few extra characters before an ON-command.
For instance, sending “!!!POWERONMAIN” to turn on the MP-50 will guarantee that the
command is always received, even if the unit is in deep sleep.