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The outputs on the ArtNet card.
Connect fixture to the data output ports
The ArtNet node has 6 symmetrical output ports.
Although they use the same connector type (RJ45) these are not
to be confused with the ethernet ports.
It is not possible to connect another node to the network via the
output ports.
A data output port on the ArtNet node only sends out the data
with the protocol and universe(s) configured for that port.
If nothing configured no data will be send out that port.
‘8 ArtNet configurator’ for more info on configuration of the
data output ports.
The data output port doesn’t give power to the fixture. There
needs to be an external power supply unit (PSU) to power the
Please note, all outputs are using symmetrical data
communication, for enhanced stability. Especially when using
SPI signals this comes in a handy. See as well chapter 4.