LUX LUMEN - Kernenergiestraat 53A - 2610 WILRIJK – BELGIUM
T: +32 3 293 35 50 – F: +32 3 293 35 44
Asymetrical vs Symetrical data signals:
Important to understand, that asymmetrical signals are less
stable as symmetrical signals.
The SPI-variants use only 1 wire on the ledstrip, or ledstring.
This you can see on the picture below (as an example).
As you can see, all SPI-variants are directive, which means the
data can only flow in one direction over the strip.
On the picture above, you can clearly see DO (data output) and
DI (data input)
To overcome the problems with longer cable lengths, Lux Lumen
made the 6 outputs on the card so, that they output a
symmetrical signal. This makes that you can have longer cable
lengths as in standard non symmetrical SPI-variants. But this
implicates that you can not directly connect a SPI-variant
ledstrip to one of the 6 outputs. You need an extra piece of
electronics, that converts this symmetrical signal to an
asymmetrical signal. We call this a ‘pixelstartprint’. A picture of
such a PCB, you can find below here:
The LL ordercode is: 10229