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T: +32 3 293 35 50 – F: +32 3 293 35 44
Connecting the ArtNet node to a PC
Physical connection of the ArtNet node to a PC.
If you want to view or change the settings of the ArtNet node
you need to connect a windows PC to the ArtNet node.
First connect your PC to the same physical network as the ArtNet
node. You can plug the node directly in to your PC with a UTP-
cable from the node to the PC or you can connect through a
network setup with one or more switches. The internal switch
can handle straight UTP cables, as well as crossed UTP cables.
You can link multiple nodes (daisy chain) to the same network.
Each node has an ethernet switch build in with 2 ethernet ports.
Ethernet port 1
Ethernet port 2