User Manual LOCC-Box-Net, LOCC-Pads
3.6.1 Saving
At least one module has to be connected and the modules have to be
in the stop mode. Click File>Save Configuration
3.6.2 Open
To open an existing configuration at least one bus
node has to be connected and the modules have to
be in the stop mode. Click File > Open
Confirm the loading of the configuration by clicking
Apply. To cancel the loading, click Abort.
Invalid configuration like rotary switch settings of the current or characteristics or not existing node
numbers are alert by a message window.
Example: The rotary switch I is set to 2 on node 1, but 1 is saved in
the configuration file.
Set the rotary switch to 1 and switch the module off and
on again.
The rotary switch C is set to 3 on node 1, but 4 is saved in
the configuration file.
Set the rotary switch to 4 and switch the module off and
on again.
The module with the node number 7 is saved in the
configuration, but it does not exist.
Modules which are not saved in the configuration file are not considered when