User Manual LOCC-Box, LOCC-Pads
3.5.5 Window - LOCC-Box Counter
The LOCC-Box modules have internal counters, which are read out by the software and displayed.
These counters cannot be deleted.
Power ON
Indicates how many times the LOCC-Box has been connected to the
supply voltage.
Indicates how many times the device has switched off because of
overload or short circuit.
Switch On
This is the total of how many times the module has switched on (External / Software / Pushbutton).
Operating hours [h]
Shows the total of the operating hours how long the LOCC-Box has been switched on to the supply
Operating hours (ON) [h]
Indicates the total time how long the load was or is switched on.
3.5.6 Window - LOCC-Box Current/Voltage
The represented Plotter shows the chronological
sequence of output voltage and current for the
selected nodes (module). The diagrams for
current, voltage and time can be adjusted by the
sliders. It is possible to save the value – see
chapter 3.5.1
3.5.7 Extra / LOCC-Box Modules
This menu item displays a list of all connected and identified devices at the moment of the search run.
These information are updated only during the search run and can be saved as a CSV file which is
compatible with Excel.
3.5.8 Extra / LOCC-Box Config
Oberhalb der einzelnen Reiter wird das ausgewählte Modul mit Knotennummer, Seriennummer und
Kommentar angezeigt.