Not only can the LumiSplit provide you with some great features
directly from its front panel, the unit can also be remotely
configured and monitored, all through RDM connectivity.
Once LumiNet Monitor is connected to a Luminex LumiNode
or Ethernet-DMX converter with RDM enabled, the software will
provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to monitor and
configure your LumiSplit 1.6.
LumiNet Monitor 2.1.6 or higher and LumiSplit firmware v5 or
higher are necessary to take full benefit of all the features listed
4.1 Discovery
The LumiSplit 1.6 comes with one RDM responder. In the RDM
panel, one responder will appear per splitter.
If you hover your mouse over the responder, additional information
will be available.
4.2 Identify a LumiSplit
If you have many LumiSplit devices, it can come in handy to identi-
fy a unit. Right click on one of the responders and select Identify ->
On. All LEDs will turn white and start flashing, to identify the unit.
To stop the identification, repeat the same procedure and select
“Off”, or click on the “Identify OFF” button on the top right-hand
side of the RDM panel.